Green Party Media Vacancy
Green Party Media Vacancy. For Your Information - Not Paid Advertising
The seven Green Members of Parliament are looking for a senior journalist to provide them with strategic media advice and to lead the Green media team.
The Green Party has a unique position in Parliament. You will be part of our political strategy team, and responsible for developing our media strategy. You will co-ordinate the work of the other two members of the media team.
Applicants need to have have extensive media experience; a range of media contacts and solid knowledge of the Parliamentary press gallery. You should have a sense of what it means to be 'Green', have a knowledge and understanding of internet communication possibilities, experience in staff management, political nous and be a team player.
This is a very busy position. It requires very good time management and organisational skills, a sense of humour and stamina! Efficiency, initiative and the ability to work under pressure are needed.
A salary in the $55,000 - $65,000 range is offered.
The Green Party and Parliamentary Service appoints on merit and welcome applications from all people irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.
We endeavour to be good employers providing equal employment opportunities, flexibility, family friendly and a congenial workplace. In return we expect commitment, and some flexibility towards meeting our needs.
Please send your c.v. to Green Party Office Manager Danna Glendining, Parliament, Wellington or fax 04-472-6003 or by midday on Wednesday 24th January 2000. Phone her on 04-470-6685 (or 07-8252-053 over the holiday period) for a job description or if you have any queries.
Danna Glendining (Office Manager) Green Party Office Parliament, Welllinton, New Zealand 04 470 6685