Abortion Statistics Are An Abomination
New Zealand's abortion statistics were described as ''an abomination'' in a speech in Parliament last night.
In the debate on a conscience issue ACT MP Owen Jennings said current levels of over 40 abortions each and every day are a national disgrace and a blight on the nation.
"Parliament has the responsibility to protect life, especially the life of the defenceless.
"New Zealand's abortion levels were higher than most developed countries and was rising.
"New Zealanders need to wake up to the fact that the current attitudes toward and methods of contraception are a miserable failure.
"It is time to kick out the ideological driven approach to safe sex and bring in some common sense. Young people need to know the truth of the failure rate of condoms, contraception pills and other methods.
"It is time to tell the truth about the after effects of abortion too. The emotional scars run deep and last a lifetime.
"Parliament is shirking its responsibilities continuing with legislation that everyone agrees is not working. Abortion on demand is unacceptable. The law needs reviewing urgently," Owen Jennings said.