Disarmament adviser appointed
8 October 2001 Media Statement
Disarmament adviser appointed
Mrs Pauline Tangiora of Mahia has been appointed to the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC) Disarmament Minister Matt Robson and Foreign Minister Phil Goff announced today.
Mrs Tangiora will bring valuable insight and advice to the Committee through her involvement in many community based projects, indigenous and non-governmental advocacy, the Ministers said.
The Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control chairs the Committee, which was established under the 1987 New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act.
The Committee meets several times a year, and is assisted by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of Internal Affairs. The other members are Prof Ann Trotter, Mr Stuart McMillan, Mr Cameron Bennett, Dr Kate Dewes, Dr John Harrè, Dr John Henderson, and Brigadier Roger Mortlock