John Key deluded about Labour's ETS
John Key deluded about Labour's Emissions Trading Scheme
Rodney Hide MP Wednesday, October 22 2008
For Immediate Release
[Quote “….Key urged them to think longer-term, saying that although ACT said it would scrap the ETS, the real losers would be farmers if nothing was done to address climate change issues.” John Key as reported by Paula Oliver in Taranaki today.]
“John Key is wrong about climate change and ACT’s policy”, ACT leader Rodney Hide said today.
“John Key is wrong to think that Labour’s Emissions Trading Scheme was in the long term interest of New Zealand “
“The idea that we should establish a market in hot air is ludicrous. “It’s nuts in the short term.” “It’s nuts in the medium term and it’s nuts in the long term.”
“New Zealand farmers know that there is nothing New Zealand can do to influence the world weather in one or 100 years time”, said Rodney Hide.
“New Zealand needs smart green policies not schemes that will knock New Zeland farmers for six.”