Victory Again – Success for a Determined Community
Te Ururoa Flavell
MP for
Wednesday 2nd August 2012
Again – Success for a Determined Community
Ururoa Flavell congratulates the community of Victory, and
the Nelson Gambling Policy Taskforce for sticking up for
what they believe in and coming away with the best
Last week the New Zealand Gambling Commission finally announced that nine pokie machines must be removed from Brewers Bar in Victory Square, Nelson by this Friday.
“This is a victory for the little guy. This a community who have worked hard towards reducing the harm caused by gambling, by reducing the numbers of pokie machines in their neighbourhood. They deserve to be congratulated.”
“This small community group took on the Nelson City Council, the Department of Internal Affairs and the Trillian Trust because they believed that pokies do not belong in their community.”
“The Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Bill will give more power back to local communities to have a say on the numbers of machines in their area, and greater control on how proceeds from pokie machines are spent. The aim is to ensure that community groups such as this one in Nelson have an increased say over their local issues.”
“Pokies do not belong in our neighbourhoods and it’s time councils and the government acknowledged the harm they cause“.
Te Paati Māori applauds the efforts of this little community and pledges to support causes like this in every way!