Big Spending But Promises Hollow
Big Spending But Promises Hollow
Conservatives are spending millions pushing their binding
referenda mantra to New Zealanders, but now all is revealed
– it is an insincere, scattered-brained attempt to win
Conservative leader Colin Craig, questioned by Corin Dann on TV One’s Q & A, exposed just how shallow his commitment and understanding of referenda is, says New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.
New Zealanders had been told by Mr Craig that he wanted referenda on all issues but he revealed on Q & A that’s no longer quite the case, says Mr Peters.
“He’s worked out that National, who he is trying to snuggle up to, is not for the wholesale use of referenda so he’s backing off a policy which he advertised at length all over the country. His commitment is there in print and on video.”
It was Mr Peters who was the architect of bringing the wider use of referendum into New Zealand law when he wrote it into the National Party’s 1990 manifesto.
Mr Peters said there is only one party that will deliver on a more expansive democracy and it is New Zealand First.