Hudson congratulates Youth MP
Brett Hudson
National List MP based in Ōhāriu
Media statement
18 October 2016
Hudson congratulates Youth MP on receiving first
runner-up in NZBPT competition
Brett Hudson, National List MP based in Ōhāriu, has congratulated his Youth MP, Stefan McClean, on winning first runner-up in the New Zealand Business & Parliament Trust’s Youth Parliament competition.
Stefan, who is about to complete his first year at Victoria University studying Law, International Relations and German, was selected to represent Mr Hudson in this year’s Youth Parliament.
The New Zealand Business & Parliament Trust’s competition encouraged this year’s Youth MPs to answer the question “why should young people become engaged in civic affairs and politics?”
The entrants were judged on how well they answered the question - originality of ideas, use of language, structure, flow and presentation.
Stefan submitted a video presentation for the competition and secured the first runner-up placing, together with $2000 towards his studies.
“Stefan proved himself to be a formidable public-speaker when Youth Parliament sat earlier this year,” Mr Hudson said. “I’m delighted to see the NZBPT recognise Stefan’s talent and political nous.
“I look forward to joining Stefan at the November 10 prize-giving ceremony where the Speaker of the House will present his award.
“It’s fantastic to see young people getting involved with politics and for Stefan to receive this prize to go towards his studies,” Mr Hudson said.