Radio Frequency Auction Fair To All New Zealanders
"National is committed to full and final settlements of the historic Treaty of Waitangi grievances, but it is a nonsense to suggest the radio spectrum should be included under the Treaty," Deputy Prime Minister Wyatt Creech said today.
"Neither Captain Hobson nor Maori even knew the radio spectrum existed when the Treaty was signed.
"The claims over the spectrum indicate the pendulum has swung too far and needs to be pulled back to a moderate position.
"National rejects suggestions the radio spectrum is a taonga (treasure) under the Treaty.
"We disagree with Labour's position as expressed by Dover Samuels that Maori are entitled to a share of the frequencies.
"We have decided to open up the sale of radio frequencies on the 2GHz band so it can be used to benefit all New Zealanders.
"Our approach is fair to everyone and will benefit the whole country – each and every New Zealander fair and equally."