Greypower bans National Party from debate
"Greypower has revealed its political agenda by refusing to allow the National Party access to a publicly billed leader's meeting," says Senior Citizens Minister David Carter.
"Despite claims in a North Shore newspaper, the National Party has been trying for weeks to send a political representative to today's Grey Power meeting on the North Shore."
"Greypower has blocked all our attempts to send a speaker, despite having invited us in the first place. After being told some weeks ago that the Prime Minister was unavailable, Greypower has turned down several alternative speakers that the National Party has offered," said Mr Carter.
"Up until yesterday my office was still working to send me to the meeting, only to be told I was unacceptable-for unspecified reasons."
"Greypower have claimed in the past that they are apolitical, but to deny their members the chance to hear all sides of the argument shows how politically bias they have become."
Only last week I took Mrs Shipley's place at a Grey Power leader's forum in Christchurch, addressing more than 600 Greypower members from across Canterbury."
"These older people were keen to listen to all political parties in an attempt to understand who is offering the best policies for New Zealand."
"It is a pity that the North Shore branch of Grey Power, which represents more than 5000 older people, could not offer the same opportunity to their members."