Tokelau Census Results Released
Tokelau Census Results Released
The Tokelau Census Manager today released the second Report of the Tokelau Census 2006. The Tabular Report contains the final population counts, as well as cross-tabulations of census data collected.
The 2006 De jure Usually Resident Population Count of Tokelau is 1,466. This figure consists of the usually resident population present in Tokelau on census night - a total of 1,074; plus the usually resident absentee population of 392.
The figure of 392 for Usual Residents absent from Tokelau on Census night is made up of 33 Tokelauans who are in the Public Service and based in Apia together with their immediate families, and 359 are the transferred patients, students studying outside of Tokelau and those people visiting overseas who qualified as usual residents under the specified criteria.
This shows that “27% of the total usual resident population count were outside of Tokelau on Census night.” the report said.
Click here for the full census report (pdf)