Natural Law on Agriculture
A Natural Law Party government would promote a shift to sustainable and profitable organic farming in the agricultural, pastoral and horticultural sectors, according to the party’s leader, Mr Bryan Lee.
“We would move in this direction in the interests of public health and because, both currently and in the foreseeable future, there are premium profits to be made in world markets through the sale of organic products,” Mr Lee said.
“The Natural Law Party would set up a special extension division in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to educate farmers in organic methods and to help them with applied advice in making the move from traditional farming into the organic area. This extension division would also cooperate with the processing industry.
“Currently,” said Mr Lee, “New Zealand’s organic exports are worth about $50 million annually and are doubling in value each year.
“The increase in genetically modified products worldwide and the controversy surrounding this provide an additional reason for New Zealand to go the organic way.”