Pre-plan your trip and enjoy the shopping!
3 August 2006
Pre-plan your trip and enjoy the shopping!
Auckland City encourages weekend visitors to Sylvia Park to take a lead from their weekday counterparts and pre-plan their trip.
Traffic flowed well for the opening of Pak 'N Save at the new retail complex on Tuesday and general traffic around the complex is settling down as people become more familiar with the layout.
Weekend visitors are encouraged to consider catching a bus to Sylvia Park, choose alternatives to Mt Wellington Highway, such as Waipuna and Carbine Roads, and find out which entrance is the most suitable for where they want to go.
For Pak 'N Save, entrance three at the northern end of the complex provides the best access to parking. For The Warehouse, use entrance five off Carbine Road.
Auckland City continues to monitor traffic around Sylvia Park, a condition set as part of the council's resource consent for the complex to open.
The council is also working with transport partners to accelerate a new rail station for Sylvia Park, to give visitors to the complex more sustainable travel choices.