Newstalk ZB Headlines - 9am
Fire Fighters Refuse Security Checks - Professional fire fighters are refusing to undergo wide ranging security screening for the APEC world leaders summit meeting in Auckland next month. Union secretary Derek Best sees no problem with that. He says the security checks are unacceptable and fire fighters will not do them. Derek Best says that has been agreed to by Fire Service bosses and he is not aware of any objection from APEC organisers. If there is a problem with the fire fighter’s refusal that is with the Fire Service and APEC, not fire fighters or their union. Prime Minister Jenny Shipley plans to talk with APEC officials today.
Korean Fisherman Hurt - Paramedics on the Chatham Islands are on stand by to treat a fisherman who has collapsed onboard a Korean trawler late last night. Police say the man collapsed after receiving head injuries. They are uncertain how the man sustained his injuries. Medics are in constant touch the vessel which is heading direct to the Chatham Islands. Medics are monitoring the man’s condition via radio telephone.
Farmers Get US Export Boost - Some
good news for our farmers from the United States, where
there has been a dramatic surge in beef prices. They have
reached their highest level in five years. Business
correspondent Roger Kerrs says there are many reasons for
the rapid price rises, including declining beef herds in
Australia and New Zealand and a drought in the USA which has
increased the price of grain. He says a beef carcase which
recently brought farmers $600, is now fetching about