IAPs Show Good Progress Towards Bogor Goals
Hon Lockwood Smith
New Zealand Minister for International
Co-Chair, APEC Ministerial Meeting
Action Plans (IAPs) presented at the APEC Ministerial
Meeting show members are making good progress towards
achieving APEC¡¦s free trade and investment goals, according
to Lockwood Smith, New Zealand¡¦s Trade Minister and Chair
of the APEC Ministerial Meeting.
"IAPs lie at the heart
of the APEC process. IAPs show how each economy will achieve
APEC¡¦s goal of free and open trade and investment across
the region by annually measuring progress and future
undertakings against 14 separate policy areas including
tariffs, non-tariff measures and customs procedures," Dr
Smith said.
"This year¡¦s IAP¡¦s are encouraging, showing
that members are taking seriously their commitment to
liberalise trade and investment regimes in order to achieve
the APEC goals of free and open trade and investment across
the region by 2010 for APEC¡¦s developed members, and 2020
for developing economies.
Dr Smith said that an
independent review of IAPs carried out this year by the
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) shows member
economies are making good progress towards the Bogor Goals,
particularly in the areas of reducing tariff barriers,
investment, standards and conformance, customs and
intellectual property rights.
"The PECC review also
outlined constructive proposals to improve the IAP mechanism
to make the plans more transparent and accessible to the
public, and Ministers have asked officials to undertake a
work programme that directly addresses these
recommendations," Dr Smith said.
"Ministers also directed
officials to consider the possibility of instituting a
regular cycle of peer reviews for member economies, and
welcomed the offer by a further five economies, including
Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Thailand, to submit
their IAPs for peer review in 2000," Dr Smith
IAPs are available on the Internet, via the
APEC Home Page (address: www.apecsec.org.sg).
Inquiries: Ben King, Press Secretary
1999. Individual Action Plan
„h Australia is developing a "National
Framework for Electronic Commerce." The framework is
designed to support businesses as they trade directly with
governments and each other in a consistent, secure and low
cost environment.
„h As of 6 April 1999, Brunei
Darussalam has eliminated tariffs on 30 computer-related
items as part of its unilateral tariff reduction programme.
Brunei Darussalam is in the final stage of enacting
Intellectual Property Rights laws to meet or exceed the
requirements of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related
Intellectual Property Rights.
„h Canada participated in
further liberalisation in the pharmaceutical sector in the
Pharam III negotiations in the WTO, and eliminated tariffs
on some 640 items effective 1 July 1999. Canada will
eliminate telecommunications traffic routing restrictions on
1 October 1999, a year ahead of schedule.
„h Chile
reduced its general applied tariff to 10% on 1 January 1999,
in accordance with its five year plan to reduce tariffs from
11% to 6% across-the-board by 2003.
„h On 1 January
1999, China reduced tariffs on more than 1000 items ranging
from forest products, to textiles, to toys. Reductions
ranged from 10%-80%. China¡¦s simple average tariff has
fallen from 35.9% in 1996, to 16.7% in 1999. China has also
committed to lower its tariff level to approximately 15% by
2000. China will amend its Copyrights Law, Patent Law and
Trademark Law to bring these laws and regulations more in
line with the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual
Property Rights.
„h Hong Kong, China has announced it
will progressively liberalise its facilities-based external
telecommunications market through a programme of reforms,
the first of which will be implemented from 1 January 2000.
„h Indonesia has removed tariffs on 23 tariff lines of
agricultural and chemical products as well as on 147 lines
of basic materials for producing auto components. Tariffs
have been reduced on more than 100 motor vehicle and auto
part tariff lines. Indonesia has also established a maximum
time period of 10-20 working days to process investment
„h Japan¡¦s IAP re-emphasises its commitment
to the "Three Year [Deregulation] Programme" of economic
structural reform. The revised programme, agreed to by
Japan¡¦s Cabinet on 30 March 1999, comprises liberalisation
and facilitation measures in a number of IAP sectors
including: services, investment, standards and conformance,
customs procedures, competition policy, rules-of-origin, and
government procurement.
„h As of 1 July 1999, only 21 of
1148 Korean business sectors remained closed, or partially
closed to foreign investment, meaning that 99.4% of all
Korean Industry is now open to foreign investment. Korea
introduced a paperless customs clearance system on 12 July
„h Malaysia has reduced tariffs on 74 items in the
food products, textiles, and raw materials for manufacturing
„h New Zealand joined the APEC Business Travel
Card Scheme in March 1999, which will facilitate the travel
of New Zealand business people and other APEC business
people into New Zealand.
„h Papua New Guinea removed
tariffs on rice, text books and medical supplies, reduced
tariffs on food and general necessities from 40% to 8%, and
removed all quantitative trade restrictions. PNG will
introduce a national competition policy by early 2000 which
will provide a basis for legislation.
„h On 17 May 1999,
the Monetary Authority of Singapore announced a five year
programme to liberalise the domestic banking sector and
upgrade local banks.
„h On 10 August 1999 Thailand
announced an extensive tariff reform package including
tariff reductions covering 639 lines, mainly focussing on
capital goods and raw materials. During 1999-2000 Thailand
will streamline its telecommunications¡¦ procedures with the
objective of preparing to implement the APEC Mutual
Recognition Agreement on Conformity Assessment and
Telecommunications Equipment. Thailand will grant multiple
entry visas, valid for three years, for APEC business
„h The United States is working on ways to open
up energy retail markets to consumer choice and competition.
„h Viet Nam is starting some cooperative projects with
foreign partners on the reform of enterprises to improve
competition. Viet Nam plans to improve the mobility of
business people in and out of the country.