Labour Killing The Coast
The Government’s acceptance of Department of Conservation plans to carpet bomb the West Coast with 30,000 kg of 1080 and to poison West Coast waterways is final proof that the Labour/Alliance/Greens axis will not be happy until they have killed off the Coast, said New Zealand First MP, Ron Mark.
“I am appalled to hear that the government plans to dump more 1080 into rivers, tributaries, creeks and lakes on the Coast when it has done nothing to discipline DOC over the previous burial of 22 tonnes of 1080 on a Chesterfield hillside, or the burial of a further 5 tonnes of 1080 near Kumara.
“West Coasters are coming to the view that Labour, the Alliance and the Greens will not be happy until there are only trees left on the Coast, and nothing else,” Ron Mark said.
“Coasters have seen local businesses destroyed, their social infrastructure machine gunned, their timber industry sabotaged, and their public health systems sent to the firing squad. Now that they are trying to make a living from opossum trapping, fishing, pig hunting and deer stalking, the government allows DOC to kill those ventures off with massive air drops of 1080 poison.
“These great supposed environmental protectionists, the savers of the planet, turned the other way whilst DOC declared chemical warfare on the West Coast’s, flora, fauna, and ultimately its people through the poisoning of their waterways.
“The one thing that West Coasters are convinced of today is that the Labour/Alliance/Green mix is proving too toxic for them to survive,” concluded Ron Mark.