New Funds For Family Violence Education
New Funds For Child Abuse And Family Violence Education
The Government is investing $2.8m over three years in community-based child abuse and family violence community education programmes, Social Services and Employment Minister Steve Maharey announced today.
A new contestable fund is being established within the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services which community organisations can apply to fund specific programmes. The fund targets projects in the Maori and Pacific peoples' communities. Funded programmes will be designed to provide education, promote awareness and encourage families to learn new strategies that build on family strengths and will support Maori and Pacific communities in addressing family violence and child abuse.
"High profile cases of child abuse have shocked New Zealanders this year and many have felt compelled to go out on to the streets to demand that violence in our society must end now.
"The new funding that I am announcing today will be used to promote an increased awareness of the impact of family violence and child abuse in our society. Community-based groups in the Maori and Pacific peoples' communities will be invited to submit projects for consideration because we want to use the skills and expertise that has been so amply demonstrated in recent months.
"The new contestible fund will be administered within Child, Youth and Family who will also have responsibility for monitoring the programmes and reporting on their effectiveness. $800,000 has been allocated for the remainder of 2000/01, and $1m will be provided in 2001/02 and 2002/03.
"The Government hopes that funded projects will strengthen exisiting parenting education programmes and lead to a longer term reduction in the number of abuse and neglect notifications," Steve Maharey said.