Workplace Learning Works For New Zealanders
11 December 2001 Media Statement
The vital role workplace learning plays in lifting the skills and knowledge of the New Zealand workforce is the focus of a new publication released today by Associate Education (Tertiary Education) Minister Steve Maharey.
For increasing numbers of people today, catching the knowledge wave starts in the workplace. Currently over 67,000 industry trainees from a wide range of industries are working towards national qualifications while on the job.
Steve Maharey says that for many of these people, practical learning and assessment in the workplace is making a real difference in building their confidence, knowledge and skills.
“It is connecting these people with the skills needed in today’s ever-changing work environment.
“Knowledge at Work – Workplace Learning in New Zealand provides compelling evidence of the benefits workplace learning brings to industries, enterprises and individuals. In this publication, Skill New Zealand has showcased the contribution workplace learning is making in building the knowledge economy.
“Employers are increasingly benefiting from investing in a training culture in their enterprises. Two rapidly expanding industries featured in this publication, forestry and electrotechnology have responded to changing technology, increased competition and skill challenges with a comprehensive range of workplace learning initiatives.
“Both industries have identified the need to ‘champion learning’ in the workplace to improve productivity and profitability. Clear learning goals have been set, the industry skills needed have been identified, national qualifications developed and quality workplace learning arrangements put in place.
“Workplace learning brings the training out of the classroom and into the worksite so that many more people can have their skills and knowledge formally recognised. We need to celebrate this focus on skill development in the workplace as a part of an integrated learning strategy for New Zealand,” Steve Maharey says.