Winston Peters defends UN Migration Agreement
Winston Peters defends UN Migration Agreement
For the second day Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters has defended the United Nations Compact for Migration that would give the United Nations a say on New Zealand’s immigration policy, but is refusing to tell the public what the Government’s position is, National’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Todd McClay says.
“It is an appalling breach of public trust that the Government continues to keep Kiwis in the dark over their plans, especially because there are just four days before the United Nations (UN) agreement will be signed in Morocco.
“I called on the Minister to release all Government advice on the Compact and to put the issue to Parliament for a vote before committing New Zealand to it, however he has refused.
“Australia, the United States, Israel, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia have all joined a growing list of countries who have said they will not sign the agreement sighting concerns over its ability to restrict their sovereign right to set migration policy.
“Switzerland and Italy have confirmed they will give the Parliaments a vote on the issue before committing to the Agreement.
“The Government should not sign this Agreement. The Agreement treats legal and illegal migration the same and calls for restrictions on freedom of speech and the media. It is likely to have a detrimental effect on New Zealand’s ability to set independent policy today and in the future.
“National’s position is clear. Leader Simon Bridges earlier this week said National opposed the UN Agreement and would pull New Zealand out of it in Government.”