Simich Urged to Announce Prison Site
Whangarei NZ First List MP, Hon Brian Donnelly, today urged the Minister of Corrections to make public any decisions on the siting of a prison in Northland.
"The Minister needs to stop duckshoving around on this issue. He must be aware of the anxiety people in Maungatapere and Poroti are experiencing. Any delays are simply exacerbating that anxiety,” he said.
"There are real fears the Minister will delay any announcement until after the election. Such a move would be callousness in the extreme.
"The people affected by this decision have a right to know what the Government's plans are. For months, the Minister has been responding to any queries about when a decision would be made by saying "soon". Well, "soon" has now arrived,” Hon Donnelly said.
“The Minister must respond or the people will be left believing he has an ulterior motive.”