Ko Huiarau Parliament Update
Since Ko Huiarau Parliament opened en the 4 March this year, elected members representing tribes from the seven main tribal areas, attending parliament sittings in Auckland.
New Zealand recalls 700 acres being set aside at Kohimarama in Auckland, specifically for the tribes to lay down laws to discuss social and economic issues. But history also reminds us that the past colonial governments failed to honour that agreement, and Ko Huiarau Parliament has undertaken the tremendous task to re-establish what was supposed to happen since 1860.
The Parliament Sittings were not held at Kohimarama, the Parliamentarians booked a secluded area at Manurewa, financed by themselves, providing their own transport and meals, a commitment and sacrifice to fulfil a vision for their whanau and hapu, and to rectify the broken promises made 140 years prior.
Kohuiarau Parliament sat on nine occasions during May, three times in June, to submit Pan Tribal grievances through the `Free Carriage Of Westminister' to England. They sat again in July and August to table further submissions that will eventually follow the same process.
Ko Huiarau Parliament will finally sit this year on the 30 November. The members will evaluate parliament procedures, runanga social and economic issues during the past eight months, and prepare for the next elections that will be in September 2001.
Submissions Return from England
In September, Te Runanga Kohuiarau received a letter of confirmation from the Minister of Maori Affairs, Hon Parekura Horomia on behalf of the Governor General, confirming that submissions sent by Ko Huiarau to Her Majesty the Queen had returned from England, and now sits with the government for redress.
Ko Huiarau is a concious parliament that has the right to directly approach the Crown and bring matters of concern to Her Majesty's Ministers or Her Representatives in New Zealand for redress. These rights have never been forfeited by the tribal runanga.
A copy of the letters have been distrilmited to the tribal runanga and are available for perusal through the Electoral Representatives or the Ko Huiarau Administration Officer.
Elections 2001
Ko Huiarau Parliament opened on the 4 March 2000. The interim Parliament term was for 18 months. Te Runanga Ko Huiarau next phase is preparing for the neat elections which will secure a full four year term.
The following is the time line for Elections 2001:
22 December 2000 Call for Nominations
01 February 2001 Close of Nominations
02 February 2001 Campaigning in Electorates
08 June 2001 Campaigning Closed
09 June 2001 Voting Day ?.OOam - 7.OOpm
21 July 2001 Results to be published
Ol September 2001
Warrants issued to successful Applicants.
The next four year term will operate only with those candidates who represent at least 1 % of constituents in their region.
Further queries about the Election process or to aquire Nomination Forms, please contact Anaru Gray Adminstration Officer Elections 2001 PO Box 2001 Horotiu 2030 PH: 07 829 9914 .