Secret plan to dismantle State housing
18 May 2011
PRESS RELEASE: Housing Lobby Spokesperson Sue Henry slams secret plan to dismantle State housing, as follows:
"Although Government give the impression 'it's steady as she goes', there is a big jolt ahead for State housing tenants, along with numerous unanswered questions."
"The Housing Lobby has always maintained the view that Government (Housing New Zealand ), should remain a 'one-stop-shop,' for affordable housing delivery with proven cost-effectiveness and accountability."
"It is nothing short of an irresponsible disgrace for the Minister of Housing, Phil Heatley, to take on board the failed 'social' housing estate experiment from the United Kingdom."
"It will be far more costly to have the fragmented 'social housing' model, with numerous duplicated charities and trusts all 'clipping the ticket', using the poor as the mechanism."
"The obvious questions need to be asked:
Will private sector charities and NGOs taking over the delivery role, trigger a return of unaffordable market rents, particularly if Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ), take over the Income-Related Rent Subsidy - (IRRS)?
Does Prime Minister John Key still stand by his word that he will not reinstate 'market rents'?"
"Is the remaining housing stock going to be managed by a real estate company, and disposed of, as 'surplus to requirements', while thousands languish on housing waiting lists?"
"All indicators point to this scenario with the recent advertisement for a 'full-time Property Divestment Expert' in Auckland, to dispose of vast amounts of property assets owned by a crown entity' - (Housing New Zealand). *1 (Details included at the end of this post).
Does Prime Minister John Key, still stand by his word that there will be no assets sold in this term of government?"
"The Housing Lobby do not want to see any State housing stock used to 'balance the books'."
"What will the future be for former Auckland City Council pensioner units that were transferred to Housing New Zealand?"
"What is being proposed is the privatisation of State housing - behind the public's back."