ACC Client support group disappointed with board
Acclaim Otago (Inc)
Client support group disappointed with board
The ACC board was meant to herald a culture change for the Corporation but Acclaim Otago’s president Denise Powell says they are disappointed that the new appointments have failed to include a consumer voice.
Dr Powell states “Minister for ACC, Judith
Collins' claims that she wanted more diverse representation
on the board but in our opinion she hasn’t got the balance
right at all! Where is the voice of the consumer and the
levy payers?”
"Some of our injured people and their
advocates have long memories and they will well remember
Professor Gorman’s previous involvement in the late
1990’s when there were many complaints over his advice to
ACC concerning occupational overuse syndrome.”
call on the Minister to seriously consider who she appoints
as the final board member if she wishes to ensure the NZ
public believes her earlier rhetoric about building trust
and confidence,” concludes Dr Powell.