0800 number set up for Waitarere investigation
0800 number set up for Waitarere investigation
An 0800 number has been set up for information to be provided from the public which might assist the ongoing homicide investigation in Waitarere.
The number is 0800 234 7437.
The line will be staffed between 9am – 6pm on Saturday and Sunday and a message can be left outside these hours.
“It is the last weekend of the school holiday and there may be property owners returning home to Waitarere,” says Detective Senior Sergeant Neil Forlong.
“There may also be bach owners who are staying at their property for the weekend.
“Police are very interested in hearing from anyone who thinks their property has been interfered with, or there are items missing.
We’re also interested in anyone who may have found anything unusual in the beach area.
“We are still seeking sightings of Alex Fisher and his brother Eric at the start of the week, either together or by themselves.
“Even if you don’t think your information is relevant please call us anyway and let Police make that assessment.” said Mr Forlong.
The post-mortem examination was completed this afternoon, and while police will not disclose the results, it has provided the investigation with further lines of enquiry.
Formal identification of the boy’s body will also be finished today.
The scene examination at the beach has also been completed.
This afternoon the Manawatu Area Commander Inspector Sarah Stewart, members of the investigation team and other Police staff joined local Iwi representatives for a blessing at the scene.
“This was a very special, poignant moment and our thoughts were very much with the boy and his family.” said Ms Stewart.
The investigation team will continue working through the weekend.
It includes staff from Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth and Whanganui.