AUT University Business School Research Seminar
AUT University Business School Research Seminar:
Globalization, Migration into Urban Centres, and Cross-cultural Training
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
2pm -
Lecture theatre WE320
AUT University City
WE Building on St. Paul St. between Wakefield
and Symonds Streets (Art and Design building)
Preregistration not necessary.
Professor Dan Landis of the University of Hawai'i will present a lecture and question and answer session on the topic: Globalization, Migration into Urban Centres, and Cross-cultural Training. The topic is of particular interest to Auckland and to regional planners in the area.
The process of
globalisation is well established and its positive effects
touted by most nations. Less well known are its effects on
populations negatively affected by the movement of capital
and goods from rich to less rich countries and groups of
people from poor to wealthy nations.
According to Prof. Landis: "After first discussing the effects of globalization on migratory patterns, I will then examine, briefly, the mental health effects on the groups compelled to leave their native lands. These groups historically have crowded into cities and those cities become prey to developers less interested in rational planning than in providing profitable areas for local and foreign investments. As these migrations occur, they result in significant increases in diversity and, often, conflict between the hosts and the newly arrived groups.
"I will then describe some techniques for ameliorating these conflicts through an understanding and application of cross-cultural training approaches. While these techniques have never been applied on the massive scale that might be required, in principle they should have positive outcomes. In any case, the research result indicates that the coming migratory disasters as a result of globalization require that nations develop and deploy mechanisms that will mitigate the most negative of the likely outcomes."
This is an opportunity to hear from
a globally-renowned cross-cultural researcher.
concerning Professor Dan Landis:
Emeritus Professor of
Psychology (University of Mississippi)
Emeritus Dean,
College of Liberal Arts (University of
Affiliate Professor of Psychology,
University of Hawaii, Hilo and Manoa
International Journal of Intercultural
Executive Director, International Academy for
Intercultural Research
University of Hawaii, Hilo and
200 W. Kawile