Jim "no-action" Anderton Minister of Petrol Prices
John Luxton National (Portfolio) Spokesperson
Tuesday 15 August 2000
Jim "no-action" Anderton - Minister of Petrol Prices
Jim Anderton should re-name himself the "Do-Nothing Minister of Petrol Prices", National's Industry and Regional Development spokesperson John Luxton said today.
"Petrol prices have hit a new high for New Zealanders and Jim Anderton hasn't done anything about it except complain.
"The Government now collects 45 cents tax on every litre of petrol and 5 cents more than it did earlier in the year," Mr Luxton said.
"In Parliament today, the Minister again refused to take action and commit to refunding the increasing petrol tax take to motorists.
"Jim Anderton acknowledges that the higher prices will hurt regional New Zealand. But the Government still does nothing to stop regional development being hit by higher fuel costs despite the windfall tax take.
"Jim Anderton who called himself the Minister for Lower Petrol Prices in April when petrol prices were less than $1.00 per litre, has made many threats to lower petrol prices, but that's as far as it goes."