North Canterbury ecologist honoured
Media Statement
North Canterbury ecologist honoured with national award
Landcare Research ecologist and
conservationist, Dr Colin Meurk of Christchurch has been
awarded the prestigious 2001 Loder Cup Award by Conservation
Minister Hon Sandra Lee today.
It is the second year in succession the award has gone to Canterbury, reflecting the combined work by local groups and agencies to protect and restore the region's unique natural character.
"Dr Meurk has been the leader and instigator of much of this work, both in a professional and a personal capacity, and the results are outstanding", Ms Lee said.
As ecological advisor to the Christchurch City Council, Dr Meurk has played a leading role in the Christchurch City Council's waterway enhancement programme and is at the forefront of the "greening" of Christchurch, promoting native planting in urban areas
He has played a key role in saving the Travis Swamp, one of the most valuable areas of natural habitat in the eastern part of the South Island, and remains actively involved in ongoing management of this significant natural area.
Dr Meurk has dedicated his life to the conservation of New Zealand's indigenous flora. His contribution is directed towards ensuring that New Zealanders will always appreciate the relevance of their indigenous flora, no matter where they live.
Last year's Loder Cup award winner was Jorge Santos, manager of the Department of Conservation's Motukarara Nursery in North Canterbury. Other recent award winners include Chris and Brian Rance of Southland (1999) and the Auckland based supporters of the restoration of Tiri Tiri Matangi island (1998).