Temporary Safeguard Authorities – Reappointments
29 May 2006
Temporary Safeguard Authorities – Reappointments
Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel today announced the re-appointment of John Gilbert and Neil Plimmer as Temporary Safeguard Authorities for three-year terms commencing 11 June 2006.
Authorities are independent bodies with certain powers of a Commission of Inquiry who, on my request, carry out inquiries and recommend whether urgent temporary safeguard action is required to assist New Zealand industries faced with increased imports which are causing, or threatening to cause, serious injury.
"I am pleased that John Gilbert and Neil Plimmer are both able to continue on as Authorities for second terms," Lianne Dalziel said.
John Gilbert
John Gilbert is an economist and career public servant. He has experience in convening Ministerial inquiries (on the electricity Industry, the telecommunications industry and Tranz Rail occupational safety and health) as well as representing New Zealand at international forums. He has a long personal involvement in business management in forestry and horticulture and has also served on local government bodies.
Neil Plimmer
Neil Plimmer is a consultant, director and honorary fellow at the Victoria University School of Management having been a career diplomat followed by various senior key senior management positions in the Ministry of Commerce (now known as Economic Development) and in the Tourism area. He has substantial experience at representing the government, and knowledge of international negotiations and the Asia/Pacific region.
Since 1987 there have been only four inquiries, with the most recent one taking place in 1995. The Ministry of Economic Development is responsible for ensuring that each Authority is provided with secretarial and other services as are necessary to enable the Authority to carry out an inquiry. The Authority must report to the Minister of Commerce no later than 30 working days after the date on which it received a request for an inquiry from the Minister on whether an urgent temporary safeguard action is necessary to protect the industry from serious injury caused by increased imports in order to allow an industry to adjust to import competition.
Refer to the Temporary Safeguards Authorities Act 1987 for details of the scope of an inquiry.