Financial assistance package for owners of leaky homes
Hon Maurice
Minister for Building and
9 December 2010
Media Statement
assistance package for owners of leaky homes
A financial assistance package for owners of leaky homes is a step closer today with the first reading of a bill to Parliament, Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson says.
Under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services (Financial Assistance Package) Amendment Bill, the Government will contribute 25% of the cost of repairing a leaky home and local authorities will also pay 25% if they had signed off the original work.
“The Government’s Weathertight Homes Financial Assistance Package will reduce the time and money wasted in disputes so that more money goes to actually repairing leaky homes,” Mr Williamson says.
Home owners who opt into the scheme must agree not to sue contributing councils and the Crown although they can still sue other parties.
An amendment to the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 is needed because, even although home owners who accept the package must agree not to sue their council, the council could still be drawn into litigation brought by homeowners against third parties such as builders and home designers.
For more in formation on the financial assistance package visit