Ngai Tahu Urged To Focus Settlement On Education
Tuesday 24th Aug 1999
Donna Awatere Huata
Release -- Education
Ngai Tahu Urged To Focus Settlement On Education
ACT Education and Maori Affairs spokesperson, Donna Awatere Huata, has issued a strong message to Ngai Tahu leaders to focus Treaty settlement money on rebuilding and educating Maori families.
This follows the recent completion of a round of 18 national consultation hui to determine how the tribe's $170 million settlement last year should be spent.
"I'm heartened by the response of the people of Ngai Tahu who believe settlement money should be spent on educational development, instead of risky business ventures," Mrs Huata said.
"This is a positive message that Ngai Tahu are giving their leadership - that education is the number one priority.
"At the end of the day, a Treaty settlement in which ordinary Ngai Tahu have no shareholding of their own is of little value to them, while education provides a whole smorgasbord of possibilities."
"My message to the people of Ngai Tahu is to keep repeating the message until they get some action, or replace their leadership.
"The greatest investment Ngai Tahu leaders can make, is to teach young parents how to nurture their children from an early age.
"Ngai Tahu's priority must be to invest in the rebuilding of Ngai Tahu families," Mrs Huata said.
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