Tax Cuts Because New Zealanders Deserve Them - ACT
Tau Henare, Tuariki Delamere and Christine Fletcher have come under fire today from ACT Finance Spokesman Rodney for putting their own interests ahead of hardworking New Zealanders who deserve a tax cut.
"These MPs are failing to represent the people they were elected to serve. They are just representing themselves in trying to resuscitate their sagging electoral fortunes.
"The behaviour of Tau Henare in putting a $35 million price tag on his support for the tax cuts was pork barrel politics at its worse. He had as Minister no worthwhile project for Maori to spend the money on. It was Tau just trying to look good.
"Christine Fletcher's opposition was all about shoring up her flagging fortunes as Mayor of Auckland. That's been a failure. She should have followed my earlier advice and resigned as MP and concentrated on trying to do the job of Mayor.
"These politicians showed a total lack of principle. Government should be cutting tax because it is good for jobs and for growth. ACT stands firmly behind this.
"New Zealanders deserve tax cuts. They are sick of politicians like Henare, Delamere and Fletcher coming up with hopeless schemes to spend their hard earned money, rather than giving it back in a tax cut," said Rodney Hide.