Student protest shuts down fee increase meeting
Student protest shuts down fee increase meeting
Students at Victoria University today shut down a University Council meeting that was seeking to raise student fees.
“Students will continue to protest until the University agrees not to put fees up,” said Catherine Belfield-Haines Victoria University Students’ Association President “There is no cost case to be made for a fee increase and Victoria University is just being greedy by looking to fund bigger and bigger surpluses from student fee hikes.”
“Vic students are recommending to the Council a zero fee increase for 2004” said Belfield-Haines “The University will continue to face student anger if it pushes unnecessary fee increases.”
“The University have asked for this protest action by ignoring student hardship and looking to raise fees. Higher fees means even more student debt, more student poverty and even longer student loan repayment times.”
“This protest is only the beginning if the University continues to fill its own coffers at the expense of students,” warned Belfield-Haines.
For more information contact:
Catherine Belfield-Haines
(04) 463 6986
021 899