Executive pay: the good, the bad and the ugly
11 October 2004
Executive pay: the good, the bad and the ugly
Compensation paid to New Zealand's top executives and company directors is to be put under the spotlight at a seminar by the New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation at Victoria University tomorrow (October 12).
Executive Compensation in New Zealand: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly will be presented by Professor Glenn Boyle, Executive Director of the Institute and a Professor in Victoria's School of Economics & Finance, and Helen Roberts, a PhD student at the University of Otago.
Professor Boyle says that before 1997, little or no information was publicly available on executive compensation in New Zealand.
"But since that year, and despite considerable opposition from several groups, firms have been required by law to disclose details of remuneration paid to employees and directors unless all shareholders agree that it should be withheld. The seminar will report on some of the trends and features of executive compensation in New Zealand since that time."
Media are invited to attend the seminar on Tuesday October 12 from 5.30pm in Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, in Victoria University's Pipitea Campus in downtown Wellington.