Medecins Sans Frontieres analysis of the web
Medecins Sans Frontieres style context analysis of the web
Context analysis is not journalism and it is not academic enquiry but is an ad-hoc process necessary for those who wish to be thoughtful about their engagement in the world. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) or use context analysis in the hope that the organisation remains relevant, effective, efficient and above all useful to those who suffer most from our rapidly changing times. Scenarios for the immediate and medium-term future are the outputs of MSF context analysis which are used to make emergency preparedness plans and to adjust current activities to match the most recent changes in the actors & factors that affect field operations.
The website currently provide a glimpse of this process of context analysis and will be developed over the coming few months.
Particular issues have been chosen at this time :
The safety of peace-making troops in East Timor
National & regional defence policies
Genetic Engineering practices
Public & mental health status of population groups in new Zealand
Public broadcasting practices in new Zealand
Conservation issues in general
Soon, scenarios will be presented by but in the meantime the web site shows the selection of information sources and leaves the reader to come to their own conclusions as to the future.