Wairarapa teen 'poster boy' for brat camps
Alexander: Wairarapa teen 'poster boy' for brat camps
The 13-year-old Wairarapa boy involved in three high-speed police chases in stolen cars in Masterton in five months could be the poster boy for brat camps, United Future law and order spokesman Marc Alexander said today.
"If this kid isn't dealt with properly over the next couple of years he will effectively be lost and he and society will pay a high price for that," Mr Alexander said in also welcoming support from retired District Court judge Lynton Laing for United Future's brat camp initiative.
"This is support from an experienced judge who knows the realities surrounding youth offending."
Mr Alexander said the Wairarapa boy was an ideal candidate for the brat camps mooted in the law and order policy launched last month.
"We see the result in him of the existing 'wet bus ticket regime'. It is has done that young fellow no favours at all. And it certainly hasn't lessened the risk he poses to society."
"His family have lost control and CYFS obviously can't handle him. He is on a certain path to prison and may well, as police fear, kill someone before he gets there.
"Brat camps would remove kids like this from the environment that produces them, give them 'army-style' discipline and have education pumped into them to give them the best chance of seeing an alternative life to crime. "Anybody who thinks sitting him down and giving him a good talking to would work, or smothering him with PC excuses and psycho-babble, will not be solving his problem or ours.
"At some point we actually have to draw the line and say 'no'. He needs to get that message loud and clear from society."