EFA Achieving Its Objective
Media Release:
3rd November 2008
Electoral Finance
Act Achieving Its Objective
Freedom of speech is now
The Electoral Finance Act has stopped freedom of speech and is seriously eroding the ability of groups wishing to promote issues this election.
And that is precisely what it was intended to do according to the Sensible Sentencing Trust.
Only last month Dr Helena Catt, CEO of the Electoral Commission confirmed that the EFA was having a “chilling effect” on participation in this year’s election.
The Sensible Sentencing Trust says they have been stopped from running an advertising campaign on both major Radio Networks.
Trust Spokesman Garth McVicar said the Media were scared stiff of being sued if they breached the rules of the EFA.
“It is an extremely sad day for democracy – we warned this would happen – rather than stop big money buying Elections the EFA has killed debate and community input on issues of vital importance to New Zealand.”
“The Sensible Sentencing Trust has always been open and honest about our position on Law & Order – we believe violent crime is the No 1 issue facing New Zealand at present – but the corrupt ideology of the EFA has stopped us from making this an Election issue.”