HBRC Corporate & Strategic Committee Decisions
HBRC Corporate & Strategic Committee Decisions
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Corporate and
Strategic Committee met on Wednesday 10 September. See
agenda papers here -
of the key decisions and recommendations to Council
Significance and Engagement Policy
The C&S
Committee considered the new significance and engagement
policy which is required by 1 December. The policy replaces
the Regional Council’s significance policy which was
adopted in 2003, and places additional weight on Councillors
to also consider the level of community consultation on
decisions. HBRC has had a community consultation approach
since it was formed in 1989 on matters such as resource
management plan changes, annual and long term plans, and
adopted a formal guideline document in 2004. The new policy
requires Councillors to consider the level of community
input from the start of a new decision-making process. The
new policy will be available for community input from 29
September – 24 October.
Corporate Risks
The C&S Committee carried out its six monthly
review of the Top 10 Risks facing the Regional Council and
the mitigation approaches proposed. The risks are mainly
associated with Council’s strategic objectives in the
Strategic Plan (October 2011). The Councillors also
considered a recommendation by the Office of the Auditor
General for councils to have a greater involvement in the
management of organisational risks, and as a result the
Councillors will workshop the option of establishing an
Audit and Risk Committee. They will seek external input at
this workshop to help determine the scope of such a
Regional Cycle Plan
A report on
development of a Regional Cycle Plan (RCP) was provided to
the C&S Committee. The plan has three main action areas –
network development; tourism/marketing; and travel behaviour
change. The tourism and travel behaviour draft plans are
largely complete and the network plan is currently focusing
on safety improvements to existing cycle routes as a
priority. There is a proposal to extend the iWay concept to
Napier and a proposal for funding is in preparation by NCC.
Cr Christine Scott has been appointed as HBRC’s
representative on the RCP governance group. The group will
report through to the Regional Transport Committee which
includes local councils and the NZTA.