Minister Welcomes PCE Biosecurity Review
The Minister for Biosecurity, Marian Hobbs, has welcomed the report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Morgan Williams on biosecurity.
Entitled "New Zealand under Siege" Dr Williams has reviewed the management of biosecurity risks to the environment.
Marian Hobbs said she agrees with the PCE that, when it comes to protecting New Zealand's key economic and environmental assets, biosecurity is as strategically important as national security.
"I also agree that we should have a contingency fund for rapid responses to biosecurity breaches and incursions," she added.
The Minister acknowledged Dr Williams' call for the revision of the Biosecurity Council's role and responsibilities and noted that some environmental and producer group representatives had already been added.
The Commissioner clearly recognises that increased trade and tourism creates additional pressure on our biosecurity defences, Marian Hobbs added.
"I am pleased to note that people's attitudes to protecting our borders are changing, that they recognise the value of what we have and are trying to preserve the way we live and protect what we grow," she said.