Second study shows ACT best for jobs and growth
A second independent survey has found that the ACT Party's policies would have the most positive impact on job creation and economic growth.
The Infometrics Ltd Assessment of 1999 Political Party Tax Policies has concluded that ACT's five year programme to take the top rate of tax to 20 cents in the dollar is expected to yield the most positive results in terms of economic performance.
Commenting on the survey ACT Leader Hon Richard Prebble said there have now been two major independent studies of the political parties' policies and both have put ACT as the clear leader.
Last month a survey of New Zealand manufacturers also rated ACT's policies as the best for business and for jobs.
"The Employers Federation commissioned the independent research group Infometrics to undertake a study of the tax policies of the main political parties and their likely impact on economic and employment growth," Mr Prebble said.
"The Infometrics study says "ACT's policies will add an extra 5% to economic growth over the next ten years". It goes on to say, "The analysis shows that the economy will perform best under ACT type policies, based on their emphasis on moving towards a low flat tax structure as providing the greatest chance of sustained economic growth as we enter the new millennium."
"The policies of ACT and National were rated first and second respectively, with Labour's third and the Alliance policy "a distant fourth".
"The study states that "the tax policies of the Alliance seem totally focused on addressing income distribution issues. Our assessment is that they would have some initial success in redistributing income away from the wealthy, but that these gains are likely to be offset by the consequences they have on reducing economic prospects"."
Mr Prebble said it was pleasing to see confirmation by two independent studies that ACT's low-tax policy would boost jobs and growth far more than the policies of any other party.