Greens to initiate written protocol with Govt
The Green Party has initiated the development of a written protocol with the Government to formalise relationships on information-sharing and consultation.
Green co-leader Rod Donald said details were yet to be worked out but the Greens would like an agreement based on a Swedish model.
He said points which could be considered included:
* a 'no-surprises' policy;
* an agreement for the leaders of the respective parties to meet on a regular basis;
* an agreement for ministers and spokespeople of the respective parties to meet on a regular basis;
* an agreement to provide the Greens with access to departmental briefing papers;
* and possibly an agreement for a representative of the Green Party to be placed in a ministerial office or department as its 'eyes and ears'.
Green Party co-convenor Christine Dann will be negotiating with Labour Party advisor Helen Simpson and Alliance advisor Andrew Ladley over the protocol.
A protocol would serve the interests of the three parties as well as the country, Mr Donald said.
Mr Donald said the NZ Greens were using the agreement between the Swedish Social Democrats and the Swedish Greens to initiate the protocol development.
"We are looking forward to establishing a close and productive working relationship with the new Government," he said.
Rod Donald: 025 507 183