Plagarism And the Maxim Institute
Plagiarism And the Maxim Institute
Press Statement for immediate release:
Plagiarism and the Maxim Institute
In light of recent statements made my the Maxim Institutes director, Bruce Logan regarding copying large amounts of the work of others and passing it off as his own in national newspapers, HappyClappingHomos would like to ask the Institute exactly what is considered as plagiarism.
In his defence, Mr Logan has asserted that copying the ideas of others including the wording does not constitute plagiarism, whereas Victoria University of Wellington and Massey University both seem to indicate that it is.
Victoria University of Wellington defines plagiarism as "Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not." While Massey states that "Plagiarism is using the ideas and/or words of others without acknowledgement through appropriate referencing conventions".
Both definitions can be found in the respective university calendars. The question now becomes, how can we be sure of the academic integrity of the Maxim Institute as a whole considering that the director, had he been a student at a national university would now be under academic disciplinary actions?
We wonder just how much of this weeks 'Real Issues' newsletter is actually original work of the Maxim Institute and how much is a simple copy and paste job being passed off as legitimate research?
-- is a Wellington based gay rights web site. We keep an eye on the ramblings of Destiny and City Impact Churches', Paul "City-Impact Pastor" Adams and the rest of UFNZ. We watch and question The Maxim Institute, Garnet Milne, the Society for Prevention of Film Festivals and the rest of the weird and whacky nuts who sprung up over the Civil Unions debate
We can be found at
Yours truly,
Scott Stevens
Chief Happy Clapping Homo and Lord Protector (If Brian can make up titles, so can we)
**Start your day the
happy clapping