Dio students’ annual fundraiser backs local women and girls
Dio girls’ tradition of an annual fundraising effort for worthy causes has this year benefitted the mission of a local women’s giving circle.
A cheque for $10,000 was presented to the Waikato Women’s Fund / Te Ira Waahine o Waikato by head students Holly Mills and Emily Rich and Principal Mary Curran at the recent Waikato Diocesan School for Girls’ Founders' Day Chapel Service.
The school’s Marketing and Communications Manager Debbie Stevens says this generous donation represents the sum of many fundraising activities over the school year, coordinated and conceived of by Holly, Emily, and their student leadership team.
“The girls have really got behind the Waikato Women’s Fund,” says Debbie.
“They have worked incredibly hard to gather these funds and we’re super proud of the commitment and creativity demonstrated in raising such a large sum. This is the Dio spirit in action and we believe this year’s connection to a cause focused on women and girls was very powerful.”
Waikato Women’s Fund (WWF) Chair Pam Roa and committee member Michelle Howie were present at the service to receive the cheque. In her speech, Pam noted the WWF’s three grants to date demonstrate the Fund’s vision, particularly the latest gift to The House of Grace trust, which supports local teen mothers to prepare for the birth of their baby and plan for a bright future.
“We are stunned by the size of this donation and humbled by the support Dio has shown for women and girls through their efforts this year. We can’t wait to put this generosity to work, growing our Fund and enabling us to make grants into the region. We welcome Dio to the Fund as a donor member,” says Pam.
A card presented with the cheque carried the following message - “To the women of the Waikato, from the girls of Waikato Diocesan School for Girls” - beautifully echoing the Waikato Women’s Fund’s tagline ‘The strength of women for the dreams of girls’.
Alongside the monetary donation the students also collected and then gifted an impressive number of toiletry items to the Waikato Women's Refuge / Te Whakaruruhau and Anglican Action.
Dio and the WWF will continue their conversation in 2020 with a view to increasing youth participation on the Fund committee and engaging more with younger donors.
The Waikato Women’s Fund is tracking well towards its goal of raising $200,000 for its endowment by June 2020. The giving circle has raised close to $100,000 in donations and pledges since its launch in July 2018.