Dairy Valuation - Full Text Of Directors Letter
Joint Statement from:
New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi
Co-operative Dairies
Embargoed Until 0100 Saturday 27 January 2001
Dear Directors
Amalgamation of New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Company
Limited and Kiwi Co-operative Dairies
1. Arthur Andersen Corporate
Finance (“AACF”) has been engaged to advise the Directors of
Kiwi Co-operative Dairies Limited (“Kiwi”) and New Zealand
Co-operative Dairy Company Limited (“Dairy Group”) on the
proposed merger of both companies by way of amalgamation
(the “Merger Proposal”) with effect from 1 June 2001. This
proposal was embodied in an agreement between the parties
(the “Merger Agreement”) a copy of which has been circulated
to all shareholders of each company.
2. In broad terms,
we have been engaged to:
Update the ‘MergeCo’
estimates of merger benefits under the direction of
management of both companies.
Determine, on the
basis of historical and current-year information provided by
both companies, the likely range within which the relative
difference in the equity values of the two companies falls,
when expressed in terms of kilograms of milksolids forecast
to be supplied in the year to 31 May 2001.
Provide an opinion on whether a merger under those terms is
commercially reasonable and in the interests of all
3. Our advice and opinion have been given
in a detailed 60 page report to the Directors of both
companies, and the Directors have asked us to prepare this
summary letter (which does not provide an exhaustive
analysis of the proposed merger) to be sent to shareholders
in connection with the Merger Proposal. Our Terms of
Engagement are attached to that report. The terms deal with
disclosures of interest and AACF’s qualifications, and
contain disclaimers and limitations of liability as well as
restrictions on the use to which the report and this summary
can be put. The Terms of Engagement incorporated in our
detailed report are deemed to apply to this summary letter.
Our Approach
4. Since our instructions require us to
focus on the relative values of both companies, we have
excluded the value of their respective investments in the
New Zealand Dairy Board (“NZDB”), to the extent that we have
analysed the revenues of the two companies exclusive of
NZDB’s marketer’s surplus.
5. We have assessed the
respective value ranges of the companies on the assumption
that, under the status quo, both would continue to operate
within the existing industry structure and that each would,
for FY2001, continue the typical practice of fully
distributing earnings to shareholders. However, to assist
the companies give effect to the detailed terms of the
Merger Proposal, we have also:
provided results
that take into account the proposed equalisation of FY2001
milksolids payout of both companies that was agreed as part
of the merger terms, and
converted the results
to values per share based on each company’s forecast number
of shares on issue at 31 May 2001.
6. We assessed the
range of base-case valuations based on the two valuation
approaches we were instructed to use, namely a “capitalised
EBITDA” approach and a “limited DCF” approach. Ranges were
derived by reference to values common to both the DCF and
EBITDA approaches.
7. Under the capitalised EBITDA
approach, we assessed the value ranges of each company on
the basis of the following formula:
where‘EBITDA’ is our assessment of future maintainable
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
for each company, based on historical data and forecasts for
the year ending May 2001 adjusted as necessary for one-off
items, differences in accounting policy and agreed
post-balance date items; ‘M’ a multiple determined by
examining the relationships between EBITDA and market value
for a range of companies that are comparable to Kiwi and
NZDG; and ‘D’ the forecast value of each company’s debt at
the end of May 2001.
8. Under the ‘limited DCF’ approach
we assessed each company’s value on a discounted cash-flow
basis, using as inputs into our analysis information
provided by the companies on each company’s actual 1999/2000
results, adjusted for differences in accounting policies and
one-off factors, and each company’s forecast 2000/2001
results, adjusted for differences in forecast assumptions
and one-off factors. Under the direction of management, we
compiled projections of each company’s future performance
using this base financial information, adjusted for known
changes, and a consistent set of assumptions provided by the
9. Of the options available to assess the
respective value ranges of both businesses, we consider the
approach we have been asked to take is reasonable in the
circumstances, having regard, in particular, to:
The complex organisational structure that links both
companies and the New Zealand Dairy Board. Of particular
relevance in this context is the dynamic nature of the
transfer pricing arrangements that are employed which means
that we will inevitably need to rely to a large extent on
judgements of industry experts on the likely apportionment
of New Zealand Dairy Board revenues between the
The dynamic nature of the sector,
where forecasts are dependent on assumptions about commodity
prices which are subject to fluctuations and milk production
levels that are subject to seasonal variation.
The different accounting policies with respect to
depreciation between the companies, which means that the
capitalisation of EBITDA approach (in conjunction with a
limited DCF approach) rather than the capitalisation of EBIT
will give a more reliable indicator of the relative values
of the two companies on a per kilogram of milksolids
10. Sensitivity testing undertaken around these
valuations indicated that flexing most variables (such as
the EBITDA multiple, terminal growth rates and WACC) alters
absolute values but, as might be expected, has a much
smaller impact on the relative value difference.
Changes to assumptions regarding the relative sharing of
industry revenues under the Commercial Pricing Model (and
the gross margins applicable to them) proved to have a
greater impact. The difficulty of forecasting these
particular revenues (or of establishing any clear pattern in
them over the short time the Commercial Pricing Model has
been in operation) has been a significant problem in the
course of this valuation exercise.
12. After
considerable dialogue with the two companies on this issue,
we favoured the view that, over time, NZDB revenues would be
shared more or less according to industry market shares in
the longer term.
Respective Values of Each Company
The single range for each company from the application of
the approach summarised above is as follows (per kilogram of
milksolids forecast to be supplied to 31 May 2001) if no
account is taken of the proposed equalised FY2001
Kiwi $4.52 – 4.96 with a mid-point
of $4.74
Dairy Group $4.63 – 4.95 with a
mid-point of $4.79
14. The difference between the
mid-points of the assessed value ranges for Kiwi and Dairy
Group is therefore 5 cents in favour of Dairy Group. This
difference is less than the 20 cent threshold agreed between
the parties in the Merger Agreement and, as such, we note
that no compensating or equalising payment is necessitated
as part of the Merger Proposal. When expressed in cents per
share the difference between the mid-points is 1 cent in
favour of Dairy Group.
15. If account is taken of the
proposal to equalise FY2001 payouts, the range for each
company is as follows (per kilogram of milksolids forecast
to be supplied to 31 May 2001):
Kiwi $4.61 –
5.05 with a mid-point of $4.83
Dairy Group
$4.63 – 4.95 with a mid-point of $4.79
16. The
difference between the mid-points of the assessed value
ranges for Kiwi and Dairy Group if account is taken of the
proposed FY2001 equalised payout is therefore 4 cents in
favour of Kiwi. When expressed in cents per share the
difference between the mid-points is 3 cents in favour of
17. The differences in the respective value per
kilogram of each company are small – approximately plus or
minus 1% of Dairy Group’s capital value, for example. Given
the inevitable uncertainties relating to forward-looking
forecasts, particularly in the context of the complex
organisational structure that links both companies and the
NZDB, and the dynamic nature of the environment in which the
sector operates, our view more generally is that no material
difference exists in the respective per kilogram values of
both companies.
18. This outcome is unsurprising given
the existing structure of the industry under
the export production of both companies
is almost exclusively marketed through the NZDB; and
the two companies account for almost all export
dairy production, and each faces strong incentives to
monitor and respond to the strategies of the other to ensure
that factors like the Commercial Pricing Model do not lead
to permanent differences in relative shares of NZDB
19. Accordingly, each company could be
expected to track the performance, investment and payouts of
the other over the medium term, on a per kilogram of
milksolids basis.
Assessed Commercial Benefits of the
20. We have also been asked to consider whether
the valuation aspects of the Merger Proposal (many other
terms not having been determined at this point) are
commercially reasonable and in the interests of all
21. In forming our opinion, we have had
regard to the merger benefits identified by the management
of Kiwi and Dairy Group. The projected benefits are
tabulated below and are explained in more detail in a
business case prepared by the chief executives of Dairy
Group and Kiwi.
22. We have confined our advice to a
review of the likely position of shareholders in Kiwi and
Dairy Group if a merger proceeded under the Merger Proposal
relative to the likely position of those shareholders if the
current industry structure were to be maintained. We have
not considered other possible counterfactuals.
23. We
note that the potential commercial benefits of the merger
have been projected to be in the order of $310 million
annually by the management of Dairy Group and Kiwi. In
broad terms, these comprise three categories of benefit –
cost reductions (category 1), productivity improvements
(category 2) and strategy gains (category 3). Even if we
confine our analysis to the Category 1 benefits – those
which derive from identified, tangible cost savings – these
have been quantified as $120m per year (albeit offset in
year one by one–off costs) or some 12 cents per kgms. These
savings arise annually and convert to a capital value (on a
DCF basis) in the vicinity of $1b, or $1 per kg (compared,
for example, to the assessed value differences of between
plus or minus 4-5 cents per kilogram noted above). The
total benefits identified (including the less certain
Category 3 benefits) are significantly greater than this
amount (though also progressively less certain).
24. In the light of the minor differences in
the value of each company on a per kilogram of milksolids
basis which are far outweighed by projected benefits of the
merger, it is the view of AACF that the terms of the Merger
Proposal as they relate to valuation issues are commercially
reasonable and are in the interests of all shareholders of
both Kiwi and Dairy Group.
Yours faithfully
Alex Duncan,
Duncan Wylie,