New Mental Health Facility In Tauranga
Minister of Health Wyatt Creech today announced the go ahead for a new mental health facility at Tauranga Hospital.
"The green light has been given for a new purpose built fully integrated mental health unit at the hospital.
"The unit will include 22 inpatient beds providing acute and intensive care, Kaupapa Maori services, space to integrate with community resources and Pacific Health Mental Health Service administration.
"Now approval has been given Pacific Health can take the next step of completing detailed designs, then call for tenders for construction.
"Pacific Health expects to appoint a project manager within three weeks.
"The current mental health facility needs replacing badly. It was originally built as a tuberculosis treatment facility and converted to its present use 8 years ago.
"The new facility is expected to be designed in a manner that ensures it is flexible enough to take into account current and future needs.
"Final costs of the facility are still to be determined but it will be a multi million dollar project.
"Once the detailed design work has been completed then the project can go out to tender and the facility built. Constructed is expected to take 10-12 months following tendering."